Day 36 - Dust to Dust

No Longer Afraid of Death

"Wait, you fasted for forty days? That's not possible. Weren’t you afraid that you would die?" This is the consistent response I receive when people learn about my transformation. In return, I usually reply, "Yeah... and strangely, I'm no longer afraid of death. I've come to accept it."

Throughout my life, I've been haunted by one fear that has paralyzed me completely. I've faced gunfire on multiple occasions, endured lacerated lungs and even blood clots, yet those experiences marginally bothered me. But the fear of dying before my children reach adulthood, like my father did, has consumed me. But, through meditation, I now understand that my life extends beyond the physical realm. It is a spiritual essence that lives on in my children and those whom I've impacted the most.

I find it perplexing why individuals in Silicon Valley are fixated on living forever. They obsess over longevity, engage in superficial relationships, and devote their lives to financial engineering. But why desire more of that? Death is not a malady to be cured; it is a wondrous part of existence. True living requires embracing our mortality, for it grants us the precious gift of vitality. Rather than evading it, we should embrace death as a natural and necessary aspect of life. Personally, I appreciate the urgency that comes with knowing my time is limited. It allows me to cherish the moments of watching my children grow up in my embrace and to deeply appreciate each stage they go through.

Our society’s current preoccupation revolves around accumulating material possessions, as we shy away from accepting the uncertainty of the future. This prevents us from adequately planning for the well-being of future generations. By meditating on death, we can find peace and acceptance. Life, in essence, provides me with the opportunity to pass on my vigor and understanding to those who come after me.

“Then Abraham gave up the spirit, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people.” (Genesis 25:8)

I pray that you die of good age, old and full of years, and most importantly the ones you love most will be gathered around you.


When faced with various options and opportunities, ask yourself: "Does this contribute to my purpose? Does it align with my values and aspirations?" By keeping your purpose in mind, you can filter out distractions and focus on what truly matters to you.


Take a moment to reflect on your purpose and how you want to be remembered. Grab a sheet of paper, whether it's a digital document or a physical one, and start typing or writing with a permanent marker.

Not a medical professional, my advice should not replace medical advice or treatment. Seek professional medical advice if you have specific health concerns, especially when planning to fast. Any fasting advice I provide is general and should be followed alongside personal health guidelines and consultation with a healthcare provider.


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